The call of Burning
Bush contains a common vision that will have many varied applications by the
various structures responding to it, whether it is in the Catholic Charismatic
Renewal or in the context of parishes, or on diocesan or city-wide level, or
in ecclesial movements or new communities, or among different churches or ecclesial
communities. Below are various models that can be applied in different ways
to the above concepts and respond to the urgings of John Paul II, “Our
Christian communities must become genuine Schools of Prayer, where the meeting
with Christ is expressed not just in imploring help but also in thanksgiving,
praise, adoration, contemplation, listening and ardent devotion, until the heart
truly falls in love.( Pope John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, Jan 6,
2001, no.33)
Burning Bush Prayer Vigils
Burning Bush Adoration and Intercession Vigils can last 3 or 4 hours or throughout
the night. The below suggested format needs always to be open to changes according
to the leading of the Holy Spirit during each vigil:
Praise and Worship - 45 minutes to 1 hour.
2. Adoration - 30 minutes to 1 hour before the Holy Sacrament
- a time of “Contemplating the Face of Jesus” that we may focus
our hearts on “Starting afresh from Christ” – a time of joining
our burdens and sufferings to the “Cross of Jesus”.
3. Intercession – a time for charismatic
intercession in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (using the intercessory form of
the gift of tongues, the “abc” model [see below]). A short teaching
on intercessory prayer could be done at this time, especially about the use
of the gift of tongues in this form of prayer. If a teaching is done it is best
to start with a short time of worship followed by the teaching and then an extended
time of praise followed by the intercession time. Other intercession forms according
to the various spiritualities of the groups involved can be used during this
4.Individual charismatic prayer - usually in groups of three
(preferably using the intercessory form of the gift of tongues). Also other
forms can be used as well.
Burning Bush Prayer vigils can be regional, diocesan or city-wide (suggested schedule: at least every two months). This should not be seen as an evangelistic event but as something primarily for those involved in Renewal.
A simple “abc”
way to begin charismatic intercession with prayer in the gift of tongues is:
a. Present the intention to the Father in Jesus’ name
b. Intercede in the gift of tongues until the prayer naturally
comes to the end
c. Offer prayers of thanksgiving and blessing in faith, believing
the Holy Spirit knows how to pray the perfect will of the Father for this intention
(Rm 8, 26-28).
In a group it is necessary for a person to lead the session. There could be
times when it is not possible to have Eucharist Adoration. If such a situation
arises then have a time of adoration through worship and by praying the scriptures
of adoration. (i.e., Psalms and Revelation ch.4-5)
Day and
Night - Burning Bush Prayer
This experience of day and night, incessant adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
in the context of the Burning Bush Initiative lends itself well to the time
of the Pentecost Novena or Triduum as well as to all night prayer vigils, also
to a “Burning Bush Tent of Prayer” in conjunction with conferences
and Houses of Prayer.
Four Sessions of two hours each repeated three times during twenty-four hours is a basic foundation for night and day - incessant adoration before the blessed Sacrament and intercession. Suggested themes for the various sessions:
Silence – Heart to Heart with Jesus.
2. Renewal of the Church - Intercession for
the Body of Christ.
3. Unity of Christianity - Healing and Reconciliation
of the Bride of Christ.
4. Renewal of Society - New evangelisation
and Conversion of Sinners.
Here participants can be assigned to shifts of 2 to 4 hours, each with a leader or leading team.
The lst session is normally made up of 2 parts: praise and worship and silence. The 2nd 3rd and 4th module are normally made up of 3 parts: praise and worship, adoration and intercession.
Bush "House of Prayer" Model
One example is to establish regional, diocesan or city-wide prayer centres for
adoration and charismatic intercession. The following is a description of the
house of prayer adopted in Rome in the region of Lazio in 1997. It is this type
of model that can be a starter model to build into a night and day prayer centre.
a prayer center
1. A set place needs to be established, preferably a Chapel,
where adoration of the Holy Sacrament can take place.
2. A geographically central location would be best.
3. Five or six days a week or less should be scheduled, depending
on the number of groups or people involved.
4. A time must be set, although it can vary as each situation
requires. The Lazio groups came from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
the groups for the center
Each charismatic prayer group of a region or diocese should be asked to send
an intercessory team to participate, as the regional or diocesan coordinator
and team would feel appropriate.
The ideal situation would an intercessory team of three to five people from
each group. The number of groups participating will determine how often each
group will serve. e.g. a region or diocese with 70 groups, like Lazio, would
only have to send a intercessory team per group every two and a half to three
months, depending on the number of days of prayer service each month as well
as the length of time per day.
Possible ways of organizing:
1. Have a meeting with Prayer Group Coordinators/Leaders alone
or with their Pastoral team to present the project. Organize a “School
of Prayer” for the leaders as well as participants. Then, organize a calendar
for three to six months, with the schedule of service for the intercessory teams
of the groups.
2. One person should be in charge of your Prayer Schedule and
call the different groups a week before they are to serve to remind them of
their date. If there is an unexpected situation and they cannot come, then they
can be replaced by another group. A letter could be sent to the leader of the
team the week before, with the general information necessary and the special
intentions for intercession.
Burning Bush Prayer vigils are a key to the success of a "House of Prayer" model.
We always need to be open for more surprises from the Holy Spirit and new ways he may choose to lead us in as we discover the path more deeply of how to become “burning bushes” of love empowered to share the graces of Pentecost in this world that it may be pervaded by the “culture of Pentecost”.
will not God see justice done to his elect if they keep calling to him day and
night even though he till delays to help them? I promise you, he will see justice
done to them and done speedily. But when the Son of man comes, will he find
any faith on earth?” (Luke 18, 7-8)
Kim Catherine-Marie
( © 2003)